Our Climate Action Plan

Join us, as we walk the talk.

affirmation - action - advocacy

To actualise a reduction in carbon emissions, we’ve developed a Triple A plan that propagates affirmation, action and advocacy.

Towards our clients

1)    Advocate and educate: on Climate Action and share research-based resources with Clients;

2)    Promote and encourage a mindset shift: that transforms climate action into sustainable or regenerative business activities and new business opportunities for our Clients;

3)    Invest in strengthening our knowledge: build holistic understanding and a professional network of climate-related experts, initiatives and activities to bring to our Clients;

4)    Collaborate with specialists: climate scientist, carbon consultants, sustainability strategists, environmental architects, biodiversity specialists, ESG experts, regenerative farmers, permaculture / agro-forestry practitioners, scientists and other experts.

5)    Embrace regenerative opportunities: select Clients based on their determination, eagerness and interest to adapt circular business models or regenerative systems thinking. We believe that “good germs spread” and the rest will follow!

6)    Promote a transformation: towards ESG-oriented KPIs and SDG-aligned objectives and targets. For Clients with the necessary resources, SBTs will be introduced to understand Scope 1 to 3 emissions across the value chain.   

Our own operations

RETRACE Hospitality was born out of a renewed sense of purpose, aspiring to deliver holistic well-being for all stakeholders through regenerative hospitality and tourism development. Climate-conscious actions and responsible business decisions are central to this purpose.

1)    Transport resources:

a.     Eliminate all international travel for a period of one year from becoming a signatory to Tourism Declares a Climate Emergency (September 2021- September 2022), and thereafter limit international travel to four times a year at most.

b.    Reduce fossil-fueled Domestic Travel and opt for public transport when possible. RETRACE™ Hospitality travels primarily by hybrid electric vehicle in Sri Lanka and when practical, uses bicycles for site visits.

2)    Real estate & office footprint:

a.     Work from home as much as possible. RETRACE™ Hospitality will not rent out office space and will encourage collaborators to use flexible home office space to optimise resource and energy consumption.

b.    Optimise space used and minimise furnishings and installations.

c.     Printer, scanner and copiers have been removed from the home office, making RETRACE Hospitality a 100% paperless operation, including 100% digital signatures and e-contracts for transactions

d. Use digital means for all financial transactions, no paper invoices.

3)    Energy consumption:

a.     Our home office space in Colombo is 100% Solar Powered. With Sri Lanka facing an energy crisis, RETRACE™ Hospitality sets an example by using a 100% Solar Powered investor and battery pack to handle power outages (instead of a diesel-powered generator).  

4)    Food and beverage consumption:

a.    We commit to consuming locally produced, locally sourced foods during our client meetings or when hosting events. We encourage the same practice from among all our partners

b.    We are exploring the concepts of regenerative agriculture and potentially establishing our own urban organic vegetable garden as a model food production property for city dwellers and urban hotels. 

5)    Allies & collaborators:

We maintain membership, affiliation and in some instances business collaborations with industry-leading organisations such as Low Season Traveller (UK), Future of Tourism Coalition (Global), Climate Reality Leadership Corps (Global), Wildlife and Nature Protection Society (Sri Lanka) and others that actively work to safeguard the future of our planet.

6)    Content and thought leadership:

a.    Advocate, educate and promote climate-awareness, regeneration and environmental well-being through all our channels including but not limited to our website, Linkedin Pages and direct email communication with Clients and Collaborators.